Reader Mailbag: How to Be A Together Grad School Student

Here’s a great question that recently landed in the mailbag from Mekia L., a principal with KIPP DC, who had just started grad school! I know many of you are in the same boat! What a great question, Mekia! I already know you are rocking out your Google calendar during...
Mailbag: No Paper? No Problem!

Mailbag: No Paper? No Problem!

Hi Maia, Can you help me out? I’m looking for suggestions from teachers on how to create a classroom environment with less paper for elementary and middle school parents, students and teachers. How can we work with less paper, as our district that does not readily...
FAQ: How Do I Clean Up My Clipboard?

FAQ: How Do I Clean Up My Clipboard?

We teachers cannot live without our clipboards. To this day, I cannot teach without a clipboard in hand. It’s like my security blanket; I feel safely wrapped up with my pacing guide, anecdotal notes, and lesson plans. The challenge, of course, is that clipboards get...
FAQ: What Happens If I Lose It?

FAQ: What Happens If I Lose It?

Today’s Question: All this organization stuff sounds great, but now that I have everything in one place, what happens if I lose my iPhone, clipboard, Flexy Friend, or binder? (insert look of pure horror and devastation here). Today’s Answer: Great question. Two great...
Find your Mate: Selecting the Right Paper-Based Planner

Find your Mate: Selecting the Right Paper-Based Planner

As I give workshops around the country, many of my participants self-identify as “hybrid organizers;” they use an electronic or web-based system along with a paper-based system. But, some Together Teacher enthusiasts are exclusively paper-based purists. Sadly, these...