The Together Leader

Are you drowning in To-Do’s and looking for help with prioritization? Do you want to regain control and feel like you are proactively moving through your days rather than just reacting all day long? Without a clear system to sort through the daily deluge, you can easily lose sight of what you need to accomplish on your team. The cost of not having a plan for how you spend your limited time is enormous. Your stakeholders suffer, you bottleneck your colleagues, you sleep too little, and you feel overwhelmed – a dreadful combination that doesn’t help anyone. If this sounds like you, join us for a four-week online course focused on key tools to help you keep it all Together – both professionally AND personally!

This course is open to anyone who manages people in a mission-driven context, whether a nonprofit, education-related nonprofit, school district office, school principal, or central office leader. It is designed for people who have a high level of autonomy over how they spend their workday. 


You will learn to:

  • Consolidate your many calendars into one Comprehensive Calendar
  • Track long-term To-Dos and ideas through a Later List
  • Consolidate your discussion topics for colleagues, brainstorm ideas for topics through Thought Catchers
  • Plot how to use your limited amount of “free time” each week through the personalized design of a Weekly Worksheet
  • Create systems to clean up the week prior and look ahead through a Meeting with Myself checklist
  • Assess the “Communications Beast” and articulate your own strategies for taming
  • Identify your own habits, preference for paper or technology, and awareness of energy levels to support a strong organization system

You will receive:

  • A complete electronic package of Together Leader templates for personal customization
  • Digital samples with examples of organization systems from educators of diverse backgrounds
  • A copy of The Together Leader: Get Organized for Your Success – And Sanity!
  • A dedicated course website including access to each class recording after the session

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