Together Project Management

Effective project management requires strong planning, clear communication, and airtight execution. Without a clear road map to guide your plan from start to finish, it’s easy to lose sight of your intended outcome. But if you can develop a crystal clear vision, define roles and responsibilities, and draft a predictable communication plan, project management doesn’t have to be a scramble! 

This course is open to anyone who manages projects in a mission-driven context, whether a nonprofit, school, or district/central office. Please note that we will NOT be focused on specific project management technology, but instead on strategies for planning, communication, investment, and execution.

​​This is not a parallel course to our Leader, Teacher, and Teammate courses which cover time management and personal organizational system strategies. This course is focused only on the project management process. It is relevant for Leaders, Teachers, and Teammates who manage projects!


You will learn to:

  • Align others around your project outcomes through the creation of a Project Statement and Summary
  • Get clear about the actual project work that needs to be done and create clear Project Roles and Responsibilities
  • Select tools, buckets, and columns to build your Project Plan
  • Tee up tricky decisions by getting Recommendation Ready
  • Support your own and others’ work through Weekly Project Reviews
  • Debrief and identify project takeaways in a Project Codification Plan

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