You have the best intentions to be “Together,” and then, something happens. You get sick, you travel all weekend, a friend pays you a surprise visit, you watch too many episodes of Homeland (ummmm. . . whoops!).
Whatever the reason, something stops you from being as Together as you’d hoped you’d be.
Today’s Question: You have a bad week . . . or a bad month. How can you resume your “Togetherness?”
Today’s Answer: Here are a few things we have seen help teachers get “re-started” after facing a roadblock:
- Have a clear Plan B. Can’t have a full Weekly Round-Up? Is there a three step version you could try that takes 20 minutes, instead of 45-60? Some teachers even write out this Plan B so they can whip it out necessary.
- Clear a chunk of time to regroup, preferably if you can see the storm coming. If you know you will be traveling three weekends in a row or you’re do for an intense stretch of supervising after-school activities, block a time in your calendar to gather up and start again.
- Remember and visualize the benefits. Think back to that time when you were more Together and how much it benefitted your students—and your life! Remind yourself, or have a buddy remind you, that pausing to plan WILL help!
Together Teacher Reflection Question: When times were tough (either predictably or unpredictably), how have you re-started?