Contest! Win access to Dash4Teachers App! (Enter by November 9)

Contest! Win access to Dash4Teachers App! (Enter by November 9)

Not only do you have students to keep track of, colleagues to meet with, and administrators to manage, but there’s another HUGELY important  group of people who require your attention—the families of your students! Some of you are fortunate enough to have a...
Teacher Desk Survival Guide

Teacher Desk Survival Guide

Thanks so much, everyone, for your awesome entries in our Desk Survival Kit Contest! Our lucky winners (also announced in last week’s Newsletter) are. . . Arsheen M. from Michigan!  Arsheen is returning to her work as a first grade teacher after taking time off to...
Meet Adzua! And Win a Desk Set-up Care Package!

Meet Adzua! And Win a Desk Set-up Care Package!

Back-to-School time always means starting fresh with clean desk. . .  setting up where you will lesson plan, where you will grade, and where you will rummage for an afternoon snack. If you just can’t wait, scroll to the bottom of the blog for a giveaway! We don’t want...

Drum Roll Please! The Winners Are . . .

So excited to announce the winners of our very first Together Teacher contest! I loved reading about all the wonderful ways you invest your students in your awesome and high-functioning classrooms. As promised, I randomly selected five winners using a very...
Write 300 words to win a free copy of The Together Teacher!

Write 300 words to win a free copy of The Together Teacher!

One of the biggest differentiators between Together Teachers and less-Together Teachers is how they empower their students to take real responsibility in the classroom. Now, before you start picturing Kindergarteners feverishly grading essays with red pens, I want to...