It’s a new year — 2014 — and maybe you’ve made some resolutions for Togetherness you’re working hard to stick to as January unfolds into February. We’re here to help. I particularly loved TBD Teacher’s blog post on her resolutions here. We love her love of Evernote,...
This is the second post of Five Lessons in our Make the Most of Your Week series. I’ve been feeling inspired lately after facilitating workshops and hearing so many creative ways teachers find to Make the Most of Their Weeks. Lesson #2: Plan in Batches Zack V., a...
Make the Most of Your Week Lesson #5: Faster and Smarter There are many definitions of efficiency out there, but we like this one best: “accomplishment of or ability to accomplish a job with a minimum expenditure of time and effort.” Of course, there are many, many...
Unit plan. . . overhaul behavior management system. . . grade “those” papers (insert mind image of toppling stack). . . re-organize classroom library. . .re-vamp family communication system…. Sound familiar? Got a few of these big To-Dos lingering around your own...
Are you like me? Do you sometimes find yourself completely wasting small 15 – 20 minute chunks of time? Of course, sometimes they should be wasted (see our hot chocolate post from the start of 2013). But for the most part, my orientation is to try my hardest to use...