A few weeks back, I was roaming the halls of a school in New Orleans, when I spotted a very Together Teacher bag that wayyyyyyyyy outsized a normal teacher bag or backpack. This thing even knocked the pants off my old school L.L. Bean enormous tote! This had pockets,...
After last week’s post about teacher desks, a few of you wrote in to share your stories of not having a desk, or not even having a cart! I feel your pain. I spent a year teaching in three different outside trailers…there were frequent afternoon torrential downpours…...
My first year of teaching, I had REALLY long (and admittedly, kind of messy) hair. At the end of the day, I would shake out my ponytail and occasionally find at least three pens hanging out up there. Next, I would empty the pockets of my oh-so-fashionable ankle length...