Briannon’s Key Three

Briannon’s Key Three

nd. . . I’m back. The book broke my brain, but I’m slowly recovering and I’ve returned to the blogosphere! I have a new series lined up that I think you will love. . . After my Serial podcast hangover wore off, I went on something of a podcast binge. One of my...

A Year with Frog and Toad: The Case for the Later List

Some of you may have noticed that I’ve recently changed the name of the Upcoming To-Do List to the Later List. I decided on this for several reasons. One, I am into alliteration. Also, some early readers of The Together Leader manuscript (Hi, Allie!) told me that the...
Yesterbox PLUS Inbox Pause!

Yesterbox PLUS Inbox Pause!

The Yesterbox blog post (Hi, Tony, are you reading this?!) got a lot of traction. People are INTO it. I’m into it. Ron G., a principal in New Orleans, is into it. He also takes it one step further by adding in Inbox Pause, a button to help you control when messages...
The Epic Battle: Calendar Versus To-Do List

The Epic Battle: Calendar Versus To-Do List

I’ve been grappling with this issue for quite some time. In the battle between your Calendar and your To-Do list, who wins? Gurus like David Allen usually land in the “list camp,” whereas folks from the “calendar camp,” like Stephen Covey, tell you to start with...
Meet Justin: The Together Farmer!

Meet Justin: The Together Farmer!

I’m smiling as I write this week’s post. I met Justin a few months ago down at IDEA Public Schools in the Rio Grande Valley. I could tell he wasn’t a classroom teacher when I peered over his shoulder at his calendar—and then I got REALLY excited when I learned he was...