Well, I’ll start with this. . . I love what I do in a very big way. Because there is no way I would have left a job I loved to leave my house and family, whom I adore, this many times if not. But as we head into Together Summer Tour 2017, I’ve received quite a few...
Friends, I didn’t mean to go away. It has only happened a few times (here and here)! May was a WHIRLWIND of Teacher Appreciation Week, travel to Camden, New York City, Madison, and Oakland, my daughter’s seventh birthday, and a host of other events! And after all...
You know I love a good author stalking (see this one, this one, this one, this one, AND this one). And now it’s time to introduce you to yet another! I first met Paula L. White when doing work with New Jersey’s Priority Schools a few years back. I was super impressed...
It’s time for another Together Talk! So far, you’ve met a district superintendent and a principal turned doctoral student. And today I’m featuring someone from the non-instructional side of the house — Kahlmus E., the Senior Director of Operations for Aspire Public...
Cody’s Weekly Worksheet caught a ton of hype on the blog, and so naturally I wanted to showcase a Daily Worksheet as well in case that happens to give more float to your boat. [Reminder: Produce a plan for either the entire week OR by day. Don’t do both. Overkill.] I...