Knock, knock, tap, tap, ahem. . . Are you guys out there? Of course you are! And I’ve MISSED you!!! We’ve been hanging on the Insta regularly, the Facebook occasionally, and the Twitter NEVER. And Together Trainings have kept the team and I running all over the...
Remember our totally digital friend Sarah? We were together recently in Boston and experimented with what has turned out to be my recent favorite Outlook calendar trick. (Or “hack” if that is the language you speak.) Outlook Calendar is wonderful for all the reasons...
On a recent hang in Houston, I re-met Together Tribe member Chris F., a Dean at Relay Graduate School of Education. Chris is a digital loyalist, and I spied this amazing Excel sheet over his shoulder. Chris uses Excel as his main Together Tool because, “Several years...
When I bumped into Andrew K., a Director of Special Services and former ELA teacher, he already had it pretty Together. His charter school network is very Outlook-y, and he was very much in the habit of scheduling his To-Do’s directly into his calendar – which is...
Transferring To-Dos after meetings is kind of the worst. Our next steps often linger in a notebook, never to be seen again. Even in the best case, manual transfers or cut and pastes across digital tools are still annoying and time-consuming. But those of you who are...