Taking Your Together Teacher System Digital!

Mar 9, 2015

Sometimes I get unfairly pegged as a paper-gal.  I actually write about digital tools all the time, like here and here and here and here.  And I even profiled Sarah’s fully digital Together Leader system here.

But it’s true that I have yet to feature a 100% digital TEACHER system. Until now.

One of my Twitter pen pals, Chris W., was kind enough to share his – built entirely in Evernote.

First, we have Chris’ Weekly Worksheet! He simply built my templates as tables within Evernote (more on that particular challenge below!).

Click to see Chris’ entire Evernote Weekly Worksheet

Chris made a table for the weekend too!

And also a mini-version of an Upcoming To-Do List!

Chris now has all of his Together Tools available in all the places he synchs Evernote: his phone, computer and tablet. Very, very cool!

Chris noted a few key challenges with Evernote:

The table function isn’t as flexible as I’d like it to be and it doesn’t print well.

But on the plus side,

I can link other notes to this page so my To-Do’s that include Meeting Notes or references to emails are easy to access.

Any other Together Teachers out there who’ve gone totally digital? What do you use?