Product Review: BestSelf Journal

Product Review: BestSelf Journal

As much as we love digital products here in Togetherland, we are also huge fans of various paper methods of organizing; see here, here, and here. So imagine my curiosity when I saw this nifty BestSelf Journal on Evan S.’s desk in New Orleans last month. I poked around...
Make Your Meetings Less Evil

Make Your Meetings Less Evil

Meetings: the bane of a leader’s existence. Meetings are not intrinsically evil, but they are often poorly planned, lack alignment with goals and priorities, have no follow-through, and are a true time-waster. There are many tools out there to help make meetings more...

The Priority Plan: A Team Tool?

For some crazy reason, I’ve not written about Priority Planning yet on this blog – and it is basically my favorite Togetherness habit (see Chapter 4 of the new book!) A Priority Plan is a short, simple and shareable way to articulate your priorities to your manager,...
Five-Minute Solutions + Going Dark on the Blog for July

Five-Minute Solutions + Going Dark on the Blog for July

Inspired by my IRL friend and blogger-hero Sara’s recent reflections, I asked myself where I might be able to come up with some five-minute solutions in my own life right now. By five-minute solutions, I mean really small things I could do that would make me feel WAY...
First, I Cried – And Then I Made a Spreadsheet

First, I Cried – And Then I Made a Spreadsheet

Yes, you heard that right. First I cried and then I made a spreadsheet. Friends, I will not bore with you with the details of my recent childcare debacles, but let’s leave it at this: We are unexpectedly between full-time babysitters for a not insignificant period of...