The Scrappy Situational Checklist: When, How and Why

The Scrappy Situational Checklist: When, How and Why

While many of our Together Tools start with a template (or right within your digital calendar), there is also a time and a place for a Scrappy Situational Checklist. To be clear, we love reusable and recurring checklists for standing work items (like conference or...
Together Teens: Five Quick Ideas for Secondary Teachers

Together Teens: Five Quick Ideas for Secondary Teachers

Last fall, I was fortunate and honored to spend a few afternoons with kids and teachers at a local high school assisting some freshman with their Togetherness skills. While I plan to write about a few different methods each kiddo chose to assist with their planning...
Vacation Prep Pro Tip: Write Yourself a Return Memo

Vacation Prep Pro Tip: Write Yourself a Return Memo

I was hanging out on the Together Forever private Facebook group this week (Are you in the group? If you have ever attended any event of ours, you can join us for some behind-the-scenes Together topics/gossip/tips!), and I asked if anyone had any holiday rituals or...
Togethering Your Holidays: Is it Possible? Is it Necessary?

Togethering Your Holidays: Is it Possible? Is it Necessary?

We recently had the privilege of hosting a public Together Your Holidays virtual gathering for our friends interested in prioritizing and planning for the busy seven weeks ahead. We’re not talking the Pinterest Perfect kind of holiday organizing, but instead how we...
Loosen Your Calendar: No-Meeting Days? No-Meeting Times?

Loosen Your Calendar: No-Meeting Days? No-Meeting Times?

Often in the world of calendar management, things can seem well. . . additive. Another quick meeting? Sure, let me hold time. You need a deliverable for the board meeting? Okay, I’ll get that in too. Plus meetings, of course, and prep for those meetings and follow up...