The Together Teammate

Are you a supporting team member who is tasked with both planning ahead and answering the phone every time it rings? Do you want to be the teammate who helps the entire team look ahead? Do you wish to receive fuzzy projects and turn them into crisp, clear plans? This course will equip you with tools, routines, and habits to help you become a more effective professional – and still have a life! 

This course is designed for school- and nonprofit-based supporting roles, such as project managers, IT associates, office managers, finance coordinators, executive assistants, chiefs of staff, and anyone who has both proactive and customer service aspects to their roles.  


You will learn to:

  • Consolidate your many calendars into one Comprehensive Calendar
  • Track long-term To-Dos and ideas through a Later List
  • Consolidate your discussion topics for colleagues, brainstorm ideas for topics through Thought Catchers
  • Plot how to use your limited amount of “free time” each week through the personalized design of a Weekly Worksheet
  • Create systems to clean up the week prior and look ahead through a Meeting with Myself checklist
  • Assess the “Communications Beast” and articulate your own strategies for taming
  • Identify your own habits, preference for paper or technology, and awareness of energy levels to support a strong organization system

You will receive:

  • A complete electronic package of Together Team Member templates for personal customization
  • Digital samples with examples of organization systems from educators of diverse backgrounds
  • A copy of The Together Leader: Get Organized for Your Success – And Sanity!
  • A dedicated course website including access to each class recording after the session

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