Reader Mailbag: How to Be A Together Grad School Student

Here’s a great question that recently landed in the mailbag from Mekia L., a principal with KIPP DC, who had just started grad school! I know many of you are in the same boat! What a great question, Mekia! I already know you are rocking out your Google calendar during...

Thomas Baker’s Together Tour (Apple Pencil FTW!): Issue #108

Together Friends, The Together Team heads to New Orleans next month to train for the TENTH consecutive year at Crescent City Schools. Now, you know Crescent City values Togetherness because they sent the cutest little Post-it flags as a holiday gift, they produce the...

Marina Lin’s Together Tour: Issue #106

Together Friends, Oooooh, this time of year is a whole thing, right? Hiring, perhaps? Planning for summer onboarding? Handling staff transitions? Carving out space for a Retreat of One? Figuring out your own personal vacation plans? We would love to write about how...

Braxton Stowe’s Together Tour: Issue #105

Together Friends, Today we are back with another showcase of how someone keeps himself Together. You may have been inspired by Juan’s AI-supported calendar, Crystal’s low-traffic focus spot, MaryKate’s Marriage Meeting, or Versha’s OneNote priorities. So let’s peek...

MaryKate Hughes’s Together Tour: Issue #104

Together Friends! The days are getting a liitttttle tiny bit longer, my youngest kiddo turned 11, and I’m gearing up for a long weekend Reading Vacation over spring break. And I don’t know if you have heard, but a lot of my favorite authors, friends, and...

Dr. Juan Juarez’s Together Tour: Issue #103

Together Friends! We have almost made it through January! I’m not really one for radical resolutions or sweeping New Year’s statements, but I do like reading reflections such as What Worked / What Didn’t and Gentle January. And we are back with another...

Crystal Johnson’s Together Tour: Issue #102

Together Friends! Did anyone else have a “Case of the Second Mondays” this week? (a term coined by Together Team member Ana). After our family’s return from our version of The Griswolds-Spend-Nine-Days-In-Ireland (sidenote: my teenagers use the phrase “Look kids, a...

Together Tour, Treasure Box & Trainings: The Inaugural Issue

Together Friends! Our 12-years-and-counting monthly Together Tips newsletter gets lots of reads, clicks, and shares, and I’m excited to start visiting your inboxes two times a month with more Together goodness –  AND to add in a feature we have been intrigued to write...

Together Trips with Together Tweens/Teens: My Top Ten Packing List

For almost the past decade, each summer I haul some combination of my children and husband and best friend to my home state for Maia’s Maine Camp. We load up the 2013 Honda Pilot with bikes, paddleboards, beach toys, my old crockpot (for real) and fleece and raincoats...