September Tips: The Swirl, Signings & School Return

Dear Together Friends, Fans, and Family Let’s just start with the big news! I wrote another book! It is out there in the world! This always terrifies me. Who has read it? Write me here and let me know what you think, or better yet, stop over at Amazon and drop an...

Together Try-It #2: Forecast Forward Frequently

Did my last post on Together Try-Its pique your interest in more nuggets from my upcoming book? Well, lucky for you, we have more coming your way! Let’s focus on Forecasting Forward Frequently (yes, that was a lot of alliteration, even for me!), another Try-It we have...

Our [Revised and Refreshed] Family Command Center

Strangely, I haven’t written about Command Centers in a long time around here. In fact, the last images I can find that I posted were here and here. But something about the first day of the month in May being a Monday always makes me excited for a fresh start! Or is...

Thinking Ahead: When do YOU Look to 2023?

Has anyone else hit the “I’ll circle around in the new year” mode yet? I think I’m THERE. If my Amazon order history tells me anything, it is that right around Halloween, my brain actively starts scanning into 2023. I don’t have it in my calendar to order the new wall...

Together Triage: The Case for a Sloppy List

Much like everyone else on the East Coast, the first week “back” from school in January, was a bit. . . messy, shall we say? Whether you are figuring out school transportation, teacher coverages, quarantines or snow days, it seems harder than ever to be Together. Or...

Jordan’s Magical Arc!

We love a good Arc notebook around these parts (see here, here and here). And when we posted this picture (below) a few weeks back, you all wanted to know exactly what was underneath the beautiful cover. After talking more with Jordan, an AP in Indianapolis, I also...

More Together Clipboards

I LOVE my clipboard. I often find myself printing my Outlook calendar and tossing it on a clipboard. I bring one to Girl Scout meetings. I certainly cannot teach without one. And whether you’re cleaning them out, admiring Sage’s awesome contraption, or...

Staying Productive (and Sane) On The Road

Well, I’ll start with this. . . I love what I do in a very big way. Because there is no way I would have left a job I loved to leave my house and family, whom I adore, this many times if not. But as we head into Together Summer Tour 2017, I’ve received quite a few...

Small Things that Help Me Feel Ready for the Week

Friends, I didn’t mean to go away. It has only happened a few times (here and here)! May was a WHIRLWIND of Teacher Appreciation Week, travel to Camden, New York City, Madison, and Oakland, my daughter’s seventh birthday, and a host of other events! And after all...