An age-old challenge for those of us who work in schools is how to manage wandering the building while also balancing our precarious stack of laptop, notebook, coffee mug, water bottle, and pen. And maybe also our snack, extra masks, band-aids, and phone! Sadly, it...
After a summer and fall teaching blitz (I’m still in it!), I’m finally getting the chance to follow up with course participants to see how you share Togetherness throughout your organizations. Andrea W., a leader at the Texas Education Agency (TEA), offered a cool...
Last fall, in anticipation of a dark, screen-filled winter ahead with a side of holiday loneliness, I built myself a Playlist. Not of songs, but a literal PLAY List: things to turn to when I needed a joy boost. Sidenote: Elena and I even talked about it on her...
Getting ready to take a bit of a break this week, I caught myself staring at my thrown-together heap of clothing, aka my Pre-Packing Pile, and realized I’m a tiny bit of a procrastinator. It is rare that I start a task and complete it in one sitting. Whether I call it...
In a recent pre-(online) class chitchat, my co-host Ana Gutierrez held up a small Hershey’s chocolate nugget. I was all, “WHAT IS THIS DELICIOUSNESS??” and she said, “I have a quarter of this chocolate bar as we finish each fourth of class.” My first thought in...