Together Project Management:!

Together Project Management:!

Since the publication of our micro-book and continued popularity of our Together Project Management course, we are deep in all things project manage-y over here. Given that the end of school and fiscal year are fast approaching for some, when we heard about the folks...
Behind-the-(Bathrobe)-Scenes of The Together Project Manager!

Behind-the-(Bathrobe)-Scenes of The Together Project Manager!

As you may have heard, our Tiny Together Team just launched a new book right over here! We are deeply proud of this 180-or-so pages of Project Management goodness (come join us for a Together Talk next week!), but we thought you, our dear reader, might be interested...
When Does it Make Sense to Mandate a System?

When Does it Make Sense to Mandate a System?

There are so many reasons that mandating a shared digital calendar, like Outlook or Google, makes sense: scheduling meetings, sharing invitations and so on. No one questions this logic. But what about requiring systems for To-Do’s? Should you take the plunge? How...
Together Team: Revised Roles & Responsibilities

Together Team: Revised Roles & Responsibilities

One way to keep a Together Team is with Sheena’s Annual Activities document. Today, we’ll take it a step further to see how Pamela I., Chief Talent Officer for Relay Graduate School of Education, pushes her team on common Togetherness expectations. Many Roles &...