Transferring To-Dos after meetings is kind of the worst. Our next steps often linger in a notebook, never to be seen again. Even in the best case, manual transfers or cut and pastes across digital tools are still annoying and time-consuming. But those of you who are...
Well, now that I’ve officially inserted myself into managing time and To-Do’s in your HOMES, let’s just go there all the way, shall we? I want to preface this post by saying that I fully support spontaneity and last-minuteness in busy households. That said, running...
You know my feeling about Post-it Notes: Resist the urge. Don’t do it. Sure, Post-its have their uses (annotating text, the occasional forced prioritization of three things you ABSOLUTELY MUST DO TODAY, coffee cup coasters), but in general, they do not make for a...
Kate S., a new school leader in Colorado, is a longtime Together Teacher friend. We go back almost a decade! I love hearing all of Kate’s stories about founding her new school, buying supplies and materials, and supporting teacher prioritization. While starting her...