While many of our Together Tools start with a template (or right within your digital calendar), there is also a time and a place for a Scrappy Situational Checklist. To be clear, we love reusable and recurring checklists for standing work items (like conference or...
We recently had the privilege of hosting a public Together Your Holidays virtual gathering for our friends interested in prioritizing and planning for the busy seven weeks ahead. We’re not talking the Pinterest Perfect kind of holiday organizing, but instead how we...
We have all heard the phrases Life Admin, Cave Time, and Infrastructure Weeks at this point, but let me coin a new one for you — DEEP Admin. A few weeks ago, I had several evenings to myself (the reality of divorced parenting life is my biological kiddos were...
Dear Together Friends, Fans, and Family, Our regular newsletter takes summer vacation in July (though you can still find me on Instagram on some #semiTogetherMom #bigblendedfamilyadventures with Dr. Together and Together Farmer and some Together Travel to Houston, New...
Dear Together Friends, Fans, and Family, Out of necessity and somewhat by choice, I’ve been leaning into Maia-Winging-Things these days. Do you ever intentionally decide to just wing it? I know, I know, putting the words “intention” and “wing it” in the same sentence...
Occasionally, Togetherness gets a bit of a rep for being inflexible. But we believe the opposite around here. As you’ve heard me say before, “The more planned you are, the more flexible you can be!” (PS I’m thinking I should print this on a shirt! Would you wear that?...