April Tips: Carport, Costco & Community

April Tips: Carport, Costco & Community

Dear Together Friends, Fans, and Family, Thank you for all of your nice emails and texts after last month’s newsletter. We talked about glitter and having time and mental bandwidth to be a bit “extra,” and I received notes saying, “Thanks for the vulnerability,...
5 Calendar Sweep Questions: Spring Break Edition

5 Calendar Sweep Questions: Spring Break Edition

For many of us, spring break is upon us. Whether you’re like our friends in Texas on break in early-ish March or like my own kids who have a mid-April break, most of you are managing to take a week off somewhere in March or April (except some of you nonprofit folks...
Braxton Stowe’s Together Tour: Issue #105

Braxton Stowe’s Together Tour: Issue #105

Together Friends, Today we are back with another showcase of how someone keeps himself Together. You may have been inspired by Juan’s AI-supported calendar, Crystal’s low-traffic focus spot, MaryKate’s Marriage Meeting, or Versha’s OneNote priorities. So let’s peek...
ClickUp for the Win: Erica’s Keeping it ALL Together!

ClickUp for the Win: Erica’s Keeping it ALL Together!

While we don’t believe technology will save us (or will it…?!) and we know that no tool is forever, we always try to feature one-stop-shop digital Trapper Keepers whenever we see them, like here, here, and here. Hence today’s blog post with yet another to add to the...
March Tips: Grief, Glitter & Girls’ Night Out

March Tips: Grief, Glitter & Girls’ Night Out

Dear Together Friends, Fans, and Family I’ve been thinking a lot about glitter and rainbows lately. No, I haven’t been rewatching Trolls, but I’ve been pondering the effect when we take a little time for fun, for the unexpected, for surprises. It’s one of the ways I...