April Tips: It’s a Together Tips Takeover!

April Tips: It’s a Together Tips Takeover!

Dear Together Friends, Fans, and Family Hello! It’s Heidi, popping out from behind the scenes to introduce myself as editor of this lovely newsletter. I also happen to be the editor of Maia’s most recent book, The Together Teammate (available for preorder now!), and...
February Tips: Finished, Finally, Finished! Manuscript Complete!

February Tips: Finished, Finally, Finished! Manuscript Complete!

Dear Together Friends, Fans, and Family If this month’s Together Tips has hit your inboxes, it means I have successfully turned in the manuscript for The Together Teammate. After many 4 AM mornings (yes, there is a video in there!), countless oat milk lattes, hidden...
January Tips: Skis, Snowballs & Kale Salad

January Tips: Skis, Snowballs & Kale Salad

Dear Together Friends, Fans, and Family, For the first time in over a decade, I don’t have alliteration in my subject line. I blew it on kale. That is because I realized I MUST share the recipe for my absolute favorite salad (often made around the holidays, but...
December Tips: Stephen King, Stomach Bugs & Surgery

December Tips: Stephen King, Stomach Bugs & Surgery

Dear Together Friends, Fans, and Family Every once in a while, it feels like a good time to clear up any possible misconceptions about how things go here in the Together house. Yes, tweens and teens have bins for gloves and mittens, and art supplies are decently...
November Tips: Grisham, Gingerbread, and Guide-to-Me

November Tips: Grisham, Gingerbread, and Guide-to-Me

Dear Together Friends, Fans, and Family First of all, thanks for your grace and love notes from my non-newsletter last month. It was delightful to hear from so many of you personally. Our Big Blended Family escaped to my second favorite place on earth (the shores of...