Diana’s Weekly Round-Up

A few weeks back in NYC, I bumped into my old friend, Diana H., a curriculum designer at Relay Graduate School of Education. She raved about how she’d resurrected the habit of holding a Weekly Meeting with herself. Diana uses her Weekly Round-Up time to plan her...

Braxton Stowe’s Together Tour: Issue #105

Together Friends, Today we are back with another showcase of how someone keeps himself Together. You may have been inspired by Juan’s AI-supported calendar, Crystal’s low-traffic focus spot, MaryKate’s Marriage Meeting, or Versha’s OneNote priorities. So let’s peek...

ClickUp for the Win: Erica’s Keeping it ALL Together!

While we don’t believe technology will save us (or will it…?!) and we know that no tool is forever, we always try to feature one-stop-shop digital Trapper Keepers whenever we see them, like here, here, and here. Hence today’s blog post with yet another to add to the...

MaryKate Hughes’s Together Tour: Issue #104

Together Friends! The days are getting a liitttttle tiny bit longer, my youngest kiddo turned 11, and I’m gearing up for a long weekend Reading Vacation over spring break. And I don’t know if you have heard, but a lot of my favorite authors, friends, and...

Crystal Johnson’s Together Tour: Issue #102

Together Friends! Did anyone else have a “Case of the Second Mondays” this week? (a term coined by Together Team member Ana). After our family’s return from our version of The Griswolds-Spend-Nine-Days-In-Ireland (sidenote: my teenagers use the phrase “Look kids, a...

November Tips: Tidy Time, Treats & Time Off!

Dear Together Friends, Fans, and Family First of all, thanks for the feedback, input and notes on our new mini-newsletter with a Together Tour showing how Versha organizes her life. I can’t wait to share the next one with you in a few weeks, and we have a great...

April Tips: It’s a Together Tips Takeover!

Dear Together Friends, Fans, and Family Hello! It’s Heidi, popping out from behind the scenes to introduce myself as editor of this lovely newsletter. I also happen to be the editor of Maia’s most recent book, The Together Teammate (available for preorder now!), and...

Peek at the Week: Using Google to the Max

In one of my year-long Together Leader courses, we got deep on weekly planning and the power of Google last week. I mean, we went full on nerd-fest with a group of school leaders in rural Idaho, complete with screen sharing and deeply pondering how using technology...

November Tips: Grisham, Gingerbread, and Guide-to-Me

Dear Together Friends, Fans, and Family First of all, thanks for your grace and love notes from my non-newsletter last month. It was delightful to hear from so many of you personally. Our Big Blended Family escaped to my second favorite place on earth (the shores of...