When You Just NEED a Wall Calendar

When You Just NEED a Wall Calendar

I love when my Together Workshoppers take their pre-work VERY seriously, and truly “bring” all calendars with them to trainings. Case in point: This recent photograph of the family wall calendar shared by Christine in Charlotte.  Check it out. . . Compared to my...
The Panda Planner: From What-er to When-er!

The Panda Planner: From What-er to When-er!

During a summer training for Public Prep at the Riverside Church in Harlem, I finally spotted a Panda Planner. I’ve been meaning to write about these foreeevvvvvvver. Anoop, a middle school science teacher, was kind enough to open his pages and let us peer into his...
Zach’s Hack: A Little Weekly Calendar Trick

Zach’s Hack: A Little Weekly Calendar Trick

Digital calendars are wonderful tools – until you try to make them work with school bell schedules. With most of my Together Leaders going digital, we needed to find a way to make the standard time scales in Outlook and Google work for school folks. Enter this awesome...